A Message from Mayor Rosalynn Bliss
The H.I.P.S. ambassadors participated in a 12 week Summer/ Fall Virtual Day Camp this year, from June 2020 to November 2020, including partnering with the city of Grand Rapids to share their views on the 2020 Master Plan.A Letter of Thankfulness
Dear Sponsors, Partners, and Friends of H.I.P.S.,
Thank you for financially supporting H.I.P.S. Virtual Summer/Fall Day Camp Program. Your generous monetary gifts and grants were used to purchase new Chrome Books for the H.I.P.S. Program, that will last for many years.
Due to your continued support your monetary gifts and grants supported H.I.P.S. kick-off luncheon that was held at Grand Rapids Garfield Park for the H.I.P.S. Ambassadors and their families. The celebration finale for H.I.P.S. Ambassadors was held at Life Quest Center Fellowship Hall, in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Temperatures, taken, practicing social distancing, face masking, with scheduled times for each H.I.P.S. Ambassador and their family was adhered too for the safety of all in attendance.
H.I.P.S. families and Ambassadors were able to receive gift cards for food safety, woven goody gift bags, cosmetics bags, protective face masks, pocket calendars all entitled "Living A Blessed Life" and personal care items.
Your loyalty over the years to the Ambassadors in the HIPS Program has been an inspiration to us all.
Due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Social Distancing required H.I.P.S. to change how we engaged our students. Because of your endless support, H.I.P.S. Ambassadors had fun engaging in the Virtual Program using the new chrome books to meet online with H.I.P.S. Google Classroom designed by Mrs. Gloria Barnet, a H.I.P.S. Board Member, which focused on the City of Grand Rapids 2002 Master Plan.
The 2002 Master Plan was revised into a curriculum by H.I.P.S. Board Members to make it youth friendly. H.I.P.S. Virtual Program Goals for H.I.P.S. Ambassadors were to build their self-esteem, understanding that their voices within their communities are important, encourage excellent academic success, healthy habits, leadership, and citizenship skills.
The Chrome Books also allowed the Ambassadors and their parents to schedule individual appointments with H.I.P.S. Staff when needed.
Your generosity is what gives these young girls the resources and support they need that will open doors for their future.
On behalf of H.I.P.S. Board of Directors and myself we are truly thankful for you being an advocate for the H.I.P.S. Program, H.I.P.S. Ambassadors, and their Families. H.I.P.S. invite you to visit the H.I.P.S. Website at grhips.org to see the impact that you have made in the lives of our H.I.P.S. Ambassadors.
Mary Harden Johnson,
HIPS Founder and Executive Director